about me

hey, what's up, my name is Kari Stiles & if you have just found my blog thanks for clicking around to get to know me. i am 30ishly.. & trying to be graceful about it. i'm a crafty kinda girl who has a passion for design and photography. i love local adventures and can't wait to travel some day after i graduate. i am currently working on getting my degree in Graphic Design. this is my space to share some of my makings, interests and writings from an honest heart and creative mind. if it seems a little clumsy it's because i am, but thanks for stopping by & i would love it if you could drop me a line just to say hey.



me again, same girl a little older now... pushing that LATE LATE thirty thing, still with the passions, much deeper now and also with a finished Graphic Design thing. I did it, and I have even made a few things with a few craft companies and I can't wait to design more & look... I actually made all my I's uppercase, all grown up or whatever.